Monday, October 22, 2007


Wow. Haven't had time to update lately, or even play much poker. I've been working on the website for my new a cappella group, the Eclectic Company.

It's a pretty simple site so far, but it's taken me some time to get back up to speed, since I haven't done any real web coding in almost ten years. So, I'm learning all about XHTML and CSS, as well as the Joomla CMS, so I can just worry about content once I get the template all ironed out.

I always enjoy a good intellectual challenge (which is why I love poker), but the load of the new technical learning in addition to learning all the new repertoire (and re-learning repertoire for my other group, since I changed voice parts), has made it a busy time.

OK, for my next post, back to your regularly scheduled poker.

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