Tuesday, October 23, 2007


In my last live cash-game session, I saw this hand go down (suits aren't relevant, so are omitted):

3 players all-in before the flop. This was a fairly friendly table at the time, so even though it's a cash game, all three turn up their cards.

KK vs ATs vs 77

KK has a big smile as the big favorite. He basically has to dodge two 7s and four As.
Six outs, ~55% to win.

The flop comes with a 7 in the window:


So now the guy with the set of 7s is sitting pretty. He has to dodge two Ks and four 8s. ~75% to win.

Turn is an 8:

769 8

Now AT has a straight, and has to dodge a 7, 3 6s, 3 8s, 3 9s for the loss, and 2 Ts for the chop. ~70% to win.

River: a TEN. Everybody gets their money back.

I loved it, because every action of the dealer crushed a different player's hopes of winning the big pot.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Wow. Haven't had time to update lately, or even play much poker. I've been working on the website for my new a cappella group, the Eclectic Company.

It's a pretty simple site so far, but it's taken me some time to get back up to speed, since I haven't done any real web coding in almost ten years. So, I'm learning all about XHTML and CSS, as well as the Joomla CMS, so I can just worry about content once I get the template all ironed out.

I always enjoy a good intellectual challenge (which is why I love poker), but the load of the new technical learning in addition to learning all the new repertoire (and re-learning repertoire for my other group, since I changed voice parts), has made it a busy time.

OK, for my next post, back to your regularly scheduled poker.